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Raniera Pene

Kororia hareruia ki a ihoa o nga mano – matua, tama, wairua tapu, nga anahera pono me te mangai hei tautoko mai, aianei, akenei, ae.

Ko Pukekaroro te maunga

Ko Kaipara te moana

Ko Oruawharo te awa

Ko Oruawharo te marae

Ko Te Rangimarie te whare tupuna

Ko Te Uri o Hau te hapu

Ko Ngati Whatua te iwi

Ko Tuputupuwhenua te tupuna

Ko Kimiora Pene toku papa

Ko Huhana Pene toku mama

Ko Raniera Pene ahau

I believe that the strength of the hapu lies in the wellbeing of its marae, and the strength of the marae lies also in the wellbeing of its people. The voices and aspirations of our people need to be a the centre of hapu decisions and operations to better inform the way forward.


Currently, Te Uri o Hau numbers in the thousands. In the near future we will number in the tens of thousands, and inevitably in the millions. The work we do now is vital for the future wellbeing of our people and enduring that our marae are well structured to manaaki our people into the future.


I have a background of community engagement and rangatahi development through whanau ora. I am now currently working for Te Puni Kokiri as a Regional Advisor. This position gives me exposure to understanding how to effectively transform the aspirations of marae and hapu while also understanding how to best access the necessary opportunities and networks to bring your aspirations into reality.

Nga manaakitanga o ihoa ki runga i a tatou

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