The Hapu
The Hapu
The Hapu
The Trust
Renaissance Group Ltd
Renaissance Group Limited is the commercial unit of
Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust
Renaissance Group (RGL) is a limited liability company incorporated on 7 March 2003 and is 100% owned by Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust (TUOH). Directors are appointed based off their qualifications, skills and experience.
The Board's accountability includes six monthly and annual reporting on financial and non-financial performance of the Group.
The focus of the Renaissance Group is on the long term financial sustainability of Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust for the benefit of Te Uri o Hau whanau. This is to be achieved through maximising the commercial returns from Te Uri o Hau's assets, investing in business ventures consistent with the aims and values of Te Uri o Hau, and diversifying the asset base to achieve a greater level of self-determination through private sector investment.
The Vision
RGL manages and grows a diverse group of sustainable businesses that continue to increase profits to whanau. These commercial activities will also provide career pathways and employment opportunities.

Te Hana Commercial properties
RGL owns a 2 hectare area of land in Te Hana with a number of buildings that require significant renovation work. the intent is to renovate the buildings to a suitable standard and look at upgrading the site to create a town hub with both public amenities and commercial businesses.
Te Uri o Hau Charitable Trust
To provide the means for distributing funds to Te Uri o Hau through marae, whanau and suitable programmes for social, cultural benefit to whanau.
To provide annual marae grants to the 14 Te Uri o Hau marae
To provide educational grants for the descendants of Te Uri o Hau
To provide community services for the descendants of Te Uri o Hau related to but not limited to, health, education, training, housing, family welfare, youth, justice, employment, recreation, communications and the arts
To provide education opportunities for the descendants of Te Uri o Hau as to understanding their heritage
To provide assistance for the preservation, maintenance and advancement of the traditional indigenous culture and heritage of Te Uri o Hau
Education Grants
What is the Education Grant Programme?
TUOH Charitable Trust distributes grants to registered hapu members and marae each year.
Individual & Group Grants for Education / Sport / Cultural Arts
TUOH Charitable Trust provides financial assistance to registered members who are studying and undertaking learning to enhance their employment opportunities through the Education Grant Programme.
TUOH Charitable Trust operates one funding round each year. When the funding round opens a notice is posted up on our website and an email is circulated to whanau who have listed their email details with us via the Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust Beneficiary Register. The amounts paid out to successful applicants vary each year and are set by the Select Panel. Grants are available for primary to tertiary level students including trade certificate enrolments. Grants are also available for sport & recreation and cultural activities.
To be eligible for a grant applicant must, at the time that they apply:
Be of Te Uri o Hau descent
Be registered on the Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust Beneficiary Roll
Be enrolled at a school or educational institute
Applications Forms
Please click on the links below to download and complete forms. Alternatively if you have any questions please email: educationsgrants@uriohau.co.nz or phone: 0800 438 894
Te Arai Native Nursery
Nga Uri o Hau Native Nursery commenced operations in 2017. The nursery was established with the financial support of Lottery Environment and Heritage (LEH) Committee of the Department of Internal Affairs with total funding of $366,000 ($200,000 in the 2016 financial year and $166,000 in the 2017 financial year) Reconnecting Northland $200,000 and Te Arai North Limited.
In 2017 the nursery grew nearly 409,000 plants. 350,000 plants have been distributed free to over 200 individuals and organisations for conservation planting, principally within the catchments of the Kaipara Harbour. This distribution of free plants for conservation planting is part of Project Mahuhu which is aligned with the Integrated Kaipara Harbour Management Group’s vision of a healthy and productive Kaipara Harbour.
The distribution of the plants has helped to build ongoing relationships with Nga Kaitiaki o Nga Wai Maori (NKoNWM), a hapu collective around the Hikurangi catchment, Living Water (The DoC / Fonterra Partnership), Dairy NZ, IKHMG, Reconnecting Northland (WWF), Beef and Lamb, Northland Regional Council and Auckland Council. It became obvious from discussions with these partners that a more efficient distribution is possible that will increase the benefits from this initiative. To that end a stakeholders group is to be formed to improve the outcomes from Nga Uri o Hau Native Nursery providing these free conservation plants.

Tangata Development
Te Uri o Hau having parity with New Zealand’s key social indicators.
To direct and administer the components within the Te Uri o Hau Deed of Settlement towards forming relationships with Crown Ministers and their ministries for the purpose of undertaking social, health and educational development towards the Te Uri o Hau goal of parity with the rest of New Zealand.
To develop emotional, social, cultural, economic self reliance for Te Uri o Hau
With the guiding aim for Te Uri o Hau Tangata Development (Tangata Development) to achieve parity for the hapu with New Zealand on the social status in health, employment, education and housing, Tangata Development is continually growing, enhancing and strengthening its capacity to provide services to the people.
Family Start
What is Family Start?
Family Start is a home visiting programme that focuses on improving children’s growth and health, learning and relationships, family circumstance, environment and safety.
Family Start is a programme to inspire you to be the best parent you ever want to be and Family Start Dargaville can help you to help you baby learn, grow to be strong and healthy, have good positive relationships, be safe and have a warm stimulating, nurturing environment.
How does Family Start Work?
Visit you at home, starting with once a week to get to know you, your child, partner and family
Find out what parts of being a parent you’ve already sorted and what you need help with
Help to get the right health care for your child
Explain how your baby is growing and changing at different ages
Help you work out what you want to achieve, change or improve, and make a plan with you to help you get there
Offer you advice and ideas, and help you solve problems as you work toward your goals
Put you in touch with other help or services you need
Provide weekly parenting education sessions to help you understand your child’s needs at different stages
Fun Activity days
Celebrations and Awards
Who can get help from Family Start?
Any parent or caregiver who is either pregnant or have a child under the age of 13 months and challenged by one or more of the following
Young parent needing support
Lack of positive support
Mental health issues
Relationship difficulties
Historical childhood abuse
Financial and material resources
No stable home
No formal education qualifications
Criminal justice history
Orange Tamariki – Ministry of Children are or have been involved with your family/whanau
How can you get help from Family Start?
Come into our centre on 5466 State Highway 1, Awakino, Dargaville or call us on 0800 832 944 or email tangatadevelopments@uriohau.co.nz . We are open Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm.
Whanau Ora Kaiarahi
What is Whanau Ora Kaiarahi?
Whanau Ora provides free in-home support service to whanau to achieve their aspirations in life. It places whanau at the centre of decision making and support them to build a more prosperous future.
Our Kaiarahi assist whanau to identify their strengths and develop long term plans with achievable goals. Kaiarahi will advocate and connect whanau to other support services that whanau require to achieve their aspirations. Kaiarahi will support whanau to become independent, encourage confidence and self awareness.
How does Whanau Ora Kaiarahi work?
Visit you at home
Help you work out what you want to achieve, change or improve, and make a plan with you to help you get there
Offer you advice and ideas, and help you solve problems as you work toward your goals
Put you in touch with other help or services you need
Who can get help from Whanau Ora?
Young parent needing support
Lack of positive support
Mental health issues
Relationship difficulties
Historical childhood abuse
Financial and material resources
No stable home
No formal education qualifications
Criminal justice history
Orange Tamariki – Ministry of Children are or have been involved with your family/whanau
How can you get help from Whanau Ora?
Come into our centre on 10 Kaiwaka-Mangawhai Road, Kaiwaka or call / send a text to one of our friendly team members.
Homebased Support Service
for Kaipara Whanau
What is the Homebased Support Service?
Tangata Developments provides a service for whanau who require access to support and information to cope with complex social, emotional or cultural situations. This service is available to all families regardless of their race, gender and ethnicity.
Our social worker has extensive experience and training in a range of areas, which enables them to assist, support and where necessary refer on to specialised services. In this position they will engage with your family or young person to implement a practical plan of strategies built on the skills, thoughts, wishes and strengths of whanau to encourage positive change in their lives.
Our areas of expertise
Family violence
Mental health
Legal processes – attending court
Child abuse, parenting and young people
Alcohol other drugs
How does Homebased Support Service work?
Meet with you at your home or an environment of your choice where you feel safe and comfortable
Enhance your parenting skills
Assist to overcome the effects of abuse
Liaise with other agencies for a collaborative approach
Support social opportunities
Assist in restoring confidence and a positive outlook on life/goal setting
Who can get help from the Homebased Support Service?
All families
How can you get help?
Environs Holdings
To advocate and support Kaitiakitanga throughout the Rohe as well as in the management and development of Te Uri o Hau resources.
To administer in an efficient and effective manner the processing of resource consent applications that affect Te Uri o Hau Area of Interest
To effectively engage with the Department of Conservation, community interest and environmental interest groups as the means to contribute towards the conservation and management of the land within the Rohe considered of high conservation and cultural value
To influence awareness of conservation and cultural values through the land acquired through redress under the claims settlement as examples of culturally sensitive environmental management plan
To develop policy and govern Te Uri o Hau Customary Fisheries management within the Rohe Moana o Te Uri o Hau
As the environmental subsidiary of Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust Environs is responsible for the implementation of activities that advance the well-being of the hapu and its environment within the statutory area of Te Uri o Hau. Environs are mandated by Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust to advocate, protect, maintain and preserve the Kaitiakitanga status and rights of Te Uri o Hau on behalf of its people.
Te Uri o Hau Area of Interest
Resource Management
The Resource Management Act 1991 and associated legislation and regulations establishes principles recognising the importance of Te Uri o Hau hapu and whanau interests to their estates and territory under the Treaty of Waitangi 1840. The Act establishes principles recognising the importance of Maori interests and rights to natural and physical resources.
The Act defines matters of national importance in relation to managing the use, development and protection of natural and physical resources to recognise and provide for the following matters of national importance the;
Preservation of the natural character of the coastal environment (including the coastal marine area), wetlands, and lakes and rivers and their margins, and the protection of them from inappropriate subdivision use, and development
Protection of outstanding natural features and landscapes from inappropriate subdivision, use and development
Protection of areas of significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous fauna
Maintenance and enhancement of public access to and along the coastal marine area, lakes and rivers
Relationship of Maori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, wahitapu and other taonga
Protection of historic heritage from inappropriate subdivision, use and development
Protection of protected customary rights
Under the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 it recognises and promotes the exercise of, customary interests of Maori in the common marine and coastal area by providing for the participation of affected iwi, hapu and whanau in the specified conservation processes relating to the common marine and coastal area; for customary rights to be recognised and protected; and for customary marine title to be recognised and exercised.
Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 provides for heritage covernants that may be entered into by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga with the owner of a historic place, area, wahitupuna, wahitapu to provide for the protection, conservation and maintenance of the site in question. The Act also provides for the overarching protection of archaeological site and if applicable under section 42 an archaeological site must not be modified or destroyed unless an authority has been granted by the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga.
What are the activities you should consult with us on?
Our ‘Key Interests – When to Consult Schedule’ outlines the types of activities that require consultation with us.
Contact us
Call into our office 2nd Floor, 5 Hunt Street, Whangarei, between Monday to Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm or contact;
RMA & DOC Concessions
Ph: (09) 459 7001
Email: rma@uriohau.co.nz
Te Uri o Hau Kaitiakitanga o te Taiao
The Te Uri o Hau Kaitiakitanga o te Taiao environmental management plan provides a comprehensive plan to support Te Uri o Hau Kaitiakitanga and Rangatiratanga responsibilities in natural resource management within the statutory area of Te Uri o Hau.
Te Uri o Hau Kaitiakitanga o te Taiao also provides the policies that the Crown and representative agencies, resource consent applicants and research institutions must take into account and in the future give effect to when preparing or reviewing statements, plans, policies and strategies. [TL1]
Te Uri o Hau Kaitiakitanga o te Taiao has set objectives, policies and methods in response to identified natural resource issues. These objectives, policies and methods are measurable aims or end results to which efforts should be directed.
Natural Resource Management
The management of natural resources within the statutory area of Te Uri o Hau are of paramount importance. Te Uri o Hau recognise that both legislative structures such as Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust and marae within Te Uri o Hau are important in the kaitiakitanga of natural resources.Te Uri o Hau recognises that marae are the primary focus of the hapu and whanau processes relating to tikanga,whanaungatanga and rangatiratanga.
The management of natural resources within Te Uri o Hau occurs through consultation, communication and consideration with its people. This provides for the recognition of the marae as the base for tikanga and a central gathering point for Te Uri o Hau hapu, marae and whanau.
Different approaches are required for the management of natural resources in terms of Te Uri o Hau’ wider objectives and priorities. Integrated management of natural resources is an important aspect for Te Uri o Hau, including the integration;
Between the Te Uri o Hau Deed of Settlement 2000 and the Te Uri o Hau Claims Settlement Act 2002
Across natural and people resources
Between Te Uri o Hau and partnerships with training institutions; and
Of Te Uri o Hau with national and regional management objectives
What our Resource Management covers
Long term integrated catchment plan for the Kaipara Harbour
Mangawhai and Kaipara Harbour Management Plan
Kaipara District Plan review
Maintenance and enhancement plan for cultural redress properties
Nga mara tuturu environmental participation and kaitiakitanga roles
Resource consent participation
Maintain and enhance fresh water quality, quantity and access
Sustainable coastal development (and water use and allocation)
Property development
Marae and cultural heritage
Utilisation of Maori land and papakainga development
Fisheries and aquaculture marine plans
Indigenous flora, forest and fauna protection and restoration to pre-European contact
Marine mammal protection and management
Devolution of resource management responsibilities to Tangata Whenua / Ahi Ka through marae
Contact Us
Call into our office 2nd Floor, 5 Hunt Street, Whangarei, between Monday to Friday 8:30am to 3:00pm
or contact;
RMA & DOC Concessions
Ph: (09) 459 7001
Email: rma@uriohau.co.nz
Kaitiakitanga – Te Uri o Hau Marae
Taumata Kaunihera

The Taumata Kaunihera consists of Kaumatua and Kuia of Te Uri o Hau who are appointed because of their mana, knowledge and leadership recognised by the people of their marae
The vision of the Taumata Kaunihera is to promote and sustain Te Mana o Te Ao Maori Me Ona Tikanga o Te Uri o Hau and its mission is to educate and empower the well-being and future of Te Uri o Hau.
The Taumata Kaunihera is responsible for:
All matters relating to Tikanga
The organisation of traditional marae activities and marae development
The development and maintenance of regular communication with Te Uri o Hau and other Maori
Determining disputes as to who is Te Uri o Hau and to which Te Uri o Hau ancestral marae they belong.
The Taumata Kaunihera promotes awareness of Te Uri o Hau Tikanga, cultural issues and concerns.
Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust Taumata Kaunihera are the appointed endorsers of all new hapu beneficiary enrolments. Please contact Jane Raymond-Paikea for any further information.
Email: jraymond-paikea@uriohau.co.nz
The Chair is Ben Hita and the current members of the Taumata Kaunihera are;
A) Waikaretu
B) Waihaua
C) Oruawharo
D) Otamatea
E) Oturei
F) Nga Tai Whakarongorua
G) Naumai
H) Parirau
I) Ripia
J) Te Pounga
K) Waiaotea
L) Rawhitiroa
M) Te Kowhai
N) Waiohou
O) Advisor
Taumata Representatives
A) Colin French & Ngareta Richards
B) Shannon Wilson & Sandy Thompson
C) Cissy Woodcock
D) Kim Phillips & Albie Shelford
E) Rex Nathan
F) John Edwards
G) Charles Harris & Tokotoko Retimana
H) Vacant
I) Shaquille Shortland & Kathleen White
J) Martha Nathan & Liz Mitchelson
K) Vacant
L) Vacant
M) Vacant
N) Vacant
O) John Marsden