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Te Uri o Hau Claims Settlement Act 2002


1. Title

Part 1 – Acknowledgements and apology by the Crown to Te Uri o Hau and
preliminary provisions

2. Commencement
3. Purpose
4. Act to bind the Crown
5. Outline
6. Acknowledgements and apology
7. Text in Maori of acknowledgements by the Crown
8. Text in English of acknowledgements by the Crown
9. Text in Maori of apology by the Crown
10. Text in English of apology by the Crown


Part 2 - Interpretation
11. Interpretation of Act generally
12. Interpretation of terms
13. Meaning of Te Uri o Hau
14. Meaning of Te Uri o Hau claimant
15. Meaning of Te Uri o Hau historical claims
16. Timing of steps or matters


Part 3 – Settlement of claims
17. Settlement of Te Uri o Hau historical claims final
18. Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 amended
19. Enactments relating to resumptive memorials on land subject to Te Uri o Hau
historical claims no longer to apply

20. Removal of resumptive memorials
21. Rule against perpetuities does not apply


Part 4 – Cultural redress properties
22. Pukekaroro 

23. Pukeareinga

24. First Whakahuranga Pa site

25. Second Whakahuranga Pa site

26. Oteono site

27. Whakapirau site

28. Okahukura (Te Ngaio Point)

29. Hokarako

30. Part Humuhumu lake bed

31. Pouto Road end

32. Wahi Tapu sites in Pouto Forest

33. Pou Tu Te Rangi


Provision facilitating vesting

34. Vesting of cultural redress properties


Incidental provisions

35. Application of other enactments

36. Successors bound

37. Intermediate vesting in the Crown of certain land

38. Registration of ownership


Part 5 – Cultural Redress Subpart 1 – Kirihipi overlay areas

39. Interpretation

40. Declaration of Kirihipi overlay area

41. Purposes of Kirihipi overlay area

42. Crown’s acknowledgement of Te Uri o Hau values

43. Minister of Conservation may agree on principles in relation to Kirihipi overlay areas

44. New Zealand Conservation Authority and conservation boards to have particular

regard to Te Uri o Hau values

45. New Zealand Conservation Authority and relevant conservation boards to consult

with Te Uri o Hau governance entity

46. Notification of Kirihipi overlay areas

47. Actions by Director-General

48. Amendments to strategies and plans

49. Regulations

50. Bylaws

51. Notification of actions in Gazette

52. Existing classification of Kirihipi overlay area

53. Revocation of status

54. Exercise of powers, duties and functions

55. Rights not affected

56. Limitation of rights


Subpart 2 – Statutory acknowledgements and deeds of recognition

57. Interpretation

58. Purposes of statutory acknowledgements

59. Statutory acknowledgements by the Crown

60. Consent authorities must have regard to statutory acknowledgements

61. Environmental Court to have regard to statutory acknowledgements

62. Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga and Environment Court to have regard to

statutory acknowledgements

63. Recording of statutory acknowledgements on statutory plan

64. Distribution of applications to Te Uri o Hau governance entity

65. Use of statutory acknowledgement with submissions


Deeds of recognition

66. Purposes of deeds of recognition

67. Authorisation to enter into deeds of recognition

68. Form and terms of deeds of recognition

69. Termination of deeds of recognition



70. No limitation on other statutory acknowledgements or deeds of recognition

71. Exercise of powers, duties and functions

72. Rights no affected

73. Limitation of rights


Amendment to Resource Management Act 1991

74. Amendment to Resource Management Act 1991


Subpart 3 – Nohoanga entitlements

75. Interpretation

76. Purpose of Nohoanga entitlements


Grant, operation and termination of Nohoanga entitlements

77. Grant and renewal of Nohoanga entitlements

78. Variation of terms of Nohoanga entitlement

79. Exclusive right to occupy entitlement land for the purpose of a Nohoanga entitlement

80. Right to erect temporary dwellings

81. Condition of entitlement land when ceasing to occupy it

82. Activities on entitlement land

83. Crown’s obligation to provide lawful access

84. Nohoanga entitlement not to restrict public access

85. Compliance with laws, bylaws and land and water management practices

86. Rights of Te Uri o Hau governance entity under Nohoanga entitlement not assignable

87. Nohoanga entitlement not to restrict the Crown’s right to alienate land

88. Te Uri o Hau governance entity may enforce rights against other persons

89. Suspension of Nohoanga entitlement

90. Termination of Nohoanga entitlement

91. Termination of Nohoanga entitlement for breach of obligations


Incidental provisions

92. Part 3B of Conservation Act 1987 not to apply

93. Rating Powers Act 1988

94. Section 44 of Reserves Act 1977 not to apply

95. Section 11 and Part 10 of Resource Management Act 1991 not to apply

96. Rights of other parties not affected

97. No creation of rights in entitlement land


Subpart 4 – Permission for right of way not required

98. Permission of council not required


Subpart 5 – Shellfish quota and oyster reserves

99. Consent to excess holding of quota

100. Oyster reserves


Subpart 6 – Indigenous species

101. Interpretation

102. Special association with indigenous species acknowledged

103. Purpose of acknowledgement

104. Exercise of powers, duties and functions

105. Rights not affected

106. Limitation of rights


Subpart 7 - Protocols

107. Interpretation

108. Authority to issue, amend or cancel protocols

109. Protocols subject to Crown’s obligations

110. Noting of conservation protocol

111. Noting of fisheries protocol

112. Enforceability of protocol

113. Limitation of rights


Subpart 8 – Changes of name

114. Changes of place names on official maps

115. Changes of name of certain reserves

116. Changes to official signs and publications


Part 6 – Commercial redress properties

117. Transfer of commercial redress properties

118. Minister of Conservation may grant easements

119. Creation of computer register

120. Redress licensed land ceases to be Crown forest land

121. Redress licensed land

122. Application of other enactments

123. Roadways and rights of way

124. Deed for continued public access


Schedule 1 – Treaty of Waitangi

Schedule 2 – Cultural redress properties

Schedule 3 – Kirihipi overlay area for Manukapua Government Purpose (Wildlife Management)


Schedule 4 – Kirihipi overlay area for Pouto stewardship area

Schedule 5 – statutory acknowledgement for Pouto stewardship

Schedule 6 – Statutory acknowledgement for Mangawhai marginal strip

Schedule 7 – Statutory acknowledgement for Oruawharo River stewardship area

Schedule 8 – Statutory acknowledgement for Pukekaroro scenic reserve

Schedule 9 – Statutory acknowledge for Kaipara Harbour coastal area

Schedule 10 – Statutory acknowledgement for Mangawhai Harbour coastal area

Schedule 11 – Nohoanga sites

Schedule 12 – Form of Nohoanga entitlement

Schedule 13 – Statement by Te Uri o Hau of association with indigenous species

Schedule 14 – Place names

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